
Luca's whole life has been coloured by visual narration. At only five years old, she was already turning stories into pictures by drawing everything she could think of. A valuable skill she still uses to help visualisations early on in production processes through storyboarding and concept art. Her first digital point-and-shoot camera at the age of eight unlocked the next step in her journey. By running around with a camera - and surely annoying one or two family members along the way - she discovered how photos, series of captures and, later with a small camcorder, videos too served as narrative building blocks.

She graduated from LUCA School of Arts (C-mine, Genk) with a master's degree in audio-visual arts (television & film), where Luca wrote, directed and lensed her own short film Baroudeur. This project received a nomination for Best Art Student in Limburg 2024. At LUCA School of Arts, she focused on narrative fiction and developed an understanding of screenwriting, directing actors, how to operate in small and big crews, and most importantly, how to serve a story so it can reach its full potential. To cover the gaps this left in non-fiction, Luca did internships in both independent documentaries and human interest television productions where she learnt to work in and adapt to various, often unpredictable, situations.

An extra internship and training in the postproduction house Sondr under colourists and digital imaging technicians, turned a theoretical base into technical-creative practice. During this time Luca learnt how to build workflows and communicate in the postproduction language, using it not only after shooting, but also throughout the preproduction phase and on-set experiences.

With a multitude of other short films, documentaries and other projects under her belt as a cinematographer in a school environment, she made her first steps into the professional world by shooting the Belgian-Portuguese coproduced medieval biopic Nuno Álvares Pereira.

Luca is dedicated to support the creation of stories from the beginning to the end of the pipeline. On set she works as a cinematographer, but also loves helping out wherever she can, working under other DPs as a focus puller, camera assistant, gaffer or electrician. No job too big or too small!



Grip (2022, T. Jans). Director of Photography, co-writer.

Anteros (2022, K. Rosius). 1st Assistant camera, focus puller.

Overkill (2023, V. Houben). 1st Assistant camera, focus puller.

Amanda (2023, R. van Reusel). Gaffer.

Baroudeur (2023, L. Schelfhout). Director, writer, director of photography, editor, colour grading.

Is dit niet het logische gevolg van bewustzijn? (2024, A. Derks). Director of photography.

Johatsu (2025, B. Ceuppens). Gaffer & camera operator.

MAVERICK ICS: cultural projects

2018: Gallo-Roman Museum Tongeren – Stonehenge: Beyond the Mystery exhibition. Editing assistant & production assistant.

2019: Videos for KMSKA - Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp. Camera assistant.

2020-2021: Angkor: The Lost Empire of Cambodia exhibition, Los Angeles. Camera-operator.

2023-2025: ‘Nuno Álvares Pereira’ for Centro de Interpretação da Batalha de Aljubarrota, Portugal. Director of Photography, colour grading.

2019-present: Audio-visual warehouse. Studio technician.


2022: multicam/webinar broadcast for LUCA School of Arts. Studio Head Technician.

01–04/2023: documentary ‘Parkili Expedition: Jordan 2023’, prod. VALSPLAT. Camera operator, editing assistant & colour grading.

 04–05/2023: ‘Iedereen Beroemd’ (VRT), prod. De chinezen. Production assistant.

07–08/2023: Sondr – Digital Imaging Technician intern. Postproduction, data management & colour grading. Extra invite in 2025 for Baselight training (colour grading).

2021-2024: volunteer at LUCA School of Arts, C-mine audio-visual lending service. Maintenance and repairs.